Tag: God’s Word
God’s Truth Stands
In the past chapter, God reassured Ezekiel He would indeed fulfill His Words concerning Israel. God then gave Ezekiel a message for Israel’s false prophets. The word of the Lord came to me: “Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel who are now prophesying. Say to those who…
God is Faithful
The experience of writing this blog post illustrated the truth of the title concept: God is faithful. It’s been a different week here, with hubby’s injury last Saturday night and all. the. things. that follow such an event. I sat at the computer this afternoon to write, after attending a…
Faithfulness and Integrity
Sorry about the same photo—I need new light photos! Who knew there would be so much “light” in Ezekiel’s message. For anyone who has recently joined in this read-along, notes from previous chapters are available here on this blog. Separately, this week, I studied and wrote brief talks based on…