Advent Candle of Hope
God’s Redeeming Love
My Bible contains section headings. I turned to Ezekiel chapter 16 and read, “An allegory of unfaithful Jerusalem.” This sounds like another dramatic scene—which role(s) might the Lord ask Ezekiel to play? The YouVersion online Bible I quote for these posts titles this section, “Jerusalem as an Adulterous Wife.” I…
Through the Fire
In this chapter, God spoke to Ezekiel with a word picture, like a parable. The word of the Lord came to me: “Son of man, how is the wood of a vine different from that of a branch from any of the trees in the forest? Is wood ever taken…
God’s Judgment and Faithfulness
In Ezekiel’s words of judgment, doom, and gloom, we’ve observed God’s hand at work, His character, and the remnant He kept for Himself. This week and next month are the same as last week and last month: we pray for God to give us eyes to see Ezekiel’s theme, that…
Repent, Return, and Run
Originally, November 1 was celebrated by western churches as All Saint’s Day, a day to remember the saints who have gone before us. Non-religious traditions combined pagan festivals with the name to celebrate “all hallow’s eve.” Setting aside secular customs for a moment, I do like the notion of remembering…
God’s Saving Hand
Ezekiel emphasized his theme, you will know that I am the Lord, in the second half of chapter 13. God struck out in wrath against the false prophets. He removed their power to sway the people and lead them astray. Ezekiel didn’t describe this remnant, but the Lord said He…
God’s Truth Stands
In the past chapter, God reassured Ezekiel He would indeed fulfill His Words concerning Israel. God then gave Ezekiel a message for Israel’s false prophets. The word of the Lord came to me: “Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel who are now prophesying. Say to those who…
God is Faithful
The experience of writing this blog post illustrated the truth of the title concept: God is faithful. It’s been a different week here, with hubby’s injury last Saturday night and all. the. things. that follow such an event. I sat at the computer this afternoon to write, after attending a…
God is faithful
Ezekiel used simple, literal language in much of this passage. It’s interesting to note, though, that he used four different words to discuss God’s upcoming judgment of captivity. To shed light on this concept in our language, “captive” means to take prisoner. Another word Ezekiel used means “capture,” which means…