The Fire of the Lord

This week we resume reading at the end of Ezekiel 20, since chapter breaks are human, not necessarily divine. Ezekiel proclaimed a prophecy toward Israel’s south, identified by Baker as the general region of the Negev. We’ve seen in previous readings how God used multiple words to express similar concepts…
Hear the Word of the Lord
The Sovereign Lord is also a God of restoration and reconciliation. He calls His people back to Himself over and over again. He does all this for His glory, to uphold the power and essence of His holy Name. We observed in Ezekiel 19 how God remained true to His…
Our response to a holy God

This week God, through Ezekiel, discussed a common theme: Israel’s rebellion and unfaithful living toward Him. God said the people blasphemed Him by forsaking Him. They defied His Lordship in their lives by verbally abusing God and abandoning Him. Strong actions on their part—no wonder the Lord judged them! Read…
Growing strong in the Vine

A glance back at chapter 18 helps us understand the Lord speaks these words and Ezekiel simply records them. Every print version (single- or double-column) of Ezekiel 19 I have read formats this chapter in verse instead of prose. The lament contains allegorical imagery to describe Israel’s demise and destruction…
God’s Wondrous Offer
Choose to walk with God
A New Relationship
Eagles and Cedars
Our Redeemer

What a cheery way to start the new year—we’ve slogged through Israel’s sin, spiritual adultery, and depravity through Ezekiel’s descriptions. God compared unfaithful Jerusalem to her pagan neighbors, declaring the city more depraved than surrounding nations. The Lord even destroyed Sodom for its inhabitants’ sins. Through Ezekiel’s message, God continued…